(615) 656-0465 mark@markskenny.com

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How do you reinforce clarity so you get results and you don’t get distracted? This is straight from our consulting practice and Patrick Lencioni’s book The Advantage.

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How do you reinforce clarity so you get results and you don’t get distracted? Well, that’s about setting up a healthy meeting cadence. Usually everyone’s a little different but setting up a healthy meeting cadence involves a daily check-in where five minutes we get together as a leadership team, a weekly tactical meeting where we don’t get distracted by what’s not important or strategic items – just tactics – three, an ad hoc strategic meeting where we’re taking the time to flesh out those strategic items that may come up, and four is a quarterly off site where we take a step back how are we doing as a team how are we doing with our clarity.

Do you want to build a stronger, strategically aligned leadership team?